

Necessary for registration

Regulated identity photos

When you register, you will be asked for digital signature photos (E-photo). Only professional photographers and authorized booths can provide these E-photos. They can be identified by a blue sticker indicating: "Approved ANTS online services". To find a booth booth and / or photographer near you, it's here.

A JDC certificate

At the end of this Defense and Citizenship Day, an individual certificate of participation is issued. This document proves that the person is up to date with regard to their obligations with regard to national service. Find out more


The second level ASSR is compulsory to obtain a first driving license if you are under 21 years old. Find out more

A proof of address of less than six months or an accommodation certificate as well as the host's identity document

Two stamped A5 envelopes

Eight self-adhesive postage stamps at the current rate and a photocopy of both sides of the identity document and / or driving license

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